Securities/ Stock Exchange
At RPLF, We Ensure a Safe and Profitable Listing on the Stock Exchange and Lead Your Path to Success in the Securities Market with Our Reliable and Comprehensive Legal Support.
Typically, companies seek to list on securities markets for several pivotal reasons, foremost among them is the desire to achieve substantial capital financing through the stock exchange. This opens avenues for financing new projects and investments that contribute to expansion and growth within the global economy, both locally and internationally.
Stocks and bonds are the most prominent types of securities used, as they represent binding documents that guarantee the repayment of paid values and serve as proof of ownership. Additionally, there are other types of commercial paper specially designed to meet the diverse needs of clients, such as checks, promissory notes, and bills of exchange.

At Ragy & Partners Law Firm – Attorneys & Counselors at Law LLP (“RPLF”), we are equipped with a team of professional attorneys and counselors at law who possess the necessary experience and qualifications to provide comprehensive legal services to joint-stock companies, especially those wishing to list on the Egyptian Stock Exchange. We offer support in understanding the necessary listing procedures, the benefits associated with it, and clarifying the expected cost fees. Additionally, we provide guidance on effective strategies for financing and expansion, assist in navigating the legal and regulatory complexities associated with securities markets, and advise on compliance with local and international laws and regulations to ensure a successful and profitable listing.

Thus, RPLF ensures its clients full legal support to achieve their business and investment objectives, emphasizing transparency and accountability at all stages of the listing process in the stock exchange and securities market.
RPLF boasts extensive experience in meeting the needs of its clients in the financial market, including registrants, issuers of stocks, bonds, and treasury bills, as well as banks and financial institutions. We provide them with guidance regarding both listed and unlisted securities, as well as foreign securities, ensuring that our clients achieve full compliance with securities market laws and the regulations governing securities trading.
We are committed to providing the legal support that enables our clients to transfer securities efficiently and effectively. This includes listed companies, trading companies, and key members and brokers in the securities exchange, including smoothly navigating the legal and regulatory complexities associated with listing and trading with confidence and security.

At RPLF, we provide consultancy to publicly listed companies on developing and implementing effective programs to prevent the adverse effects of trading based on the use of insider information. This is to avoid potential harmful impacts by traders who may rely on incorrect information. We also guide them on reporting and disclosure requirements, rules of conduct, and the necessity of full compliance with the laws and regulations related to the securities market.

Speculation plays a significant role in the stock and securities markets in Egypt, but it also has negative effects that can impact the stability and health of these markets. Speculators, who seek to make quick profits by predicting short-term price movements, can increase price volatility, potentially creating economic bubbles that may lead to financial collapses. These sudden fluctuations in prices can harm long-term investors and negatively affect the investment decisions and financial planning of companies. Furthermore, widespread speculation can drive markets away from their fundamental valuations, complicating the accurate assessment of assets and diverting attention from the real economic performance of companies, thereby potentially undermining confidence in the entire financial system.
At RPLF, we are committed to providing our clients with the necessary legal advice to handle the challenges posed by speculation in the financial markets. We offer our clients well-defined strategies to minimize the risks associated with market volatility caused by speculators. These strategies include developing internal policies for continuous monitoring and risk assessment, implementing regulatory measures that ensure compliance with applicable laws, and providing legal protection against harmful speculative activities. We also assist our clients in coordinating with regulatory bodies to ensure the adoption of best practices and technologies that help stabilize the market and protect their long-term investment interests.

We also emphasize the importance of continuous updates and thorough knowledge of the latest developments in securities law and related economic legislations to ensure that our clients are optimally prepared to deal with the challenges and opportunities of the securities market. We are ready to assist you in achieving your financial and commercial goals and guide you towards success in this complex and constantly evolving field.

At RPLF, we fully understand the utmost importance of achieving our clients' goals and meeting their legal needs with precision and professionalism. For this reason, we put our full expertise at their service to ensure successful outcomes. We efficiently handle the representation of our clients before all necessary bodies and institutions, including the Egyptian Exchange (EGX), the Cairo and Alexandria Stock Exchanges, the Egyptian Capital Market Authority (CMA), the General Authority for Investment and Free Zones (GAFI), the Egyptian Financial Supervisory Authority (EFSA), the Egyptian Tax Authority, Misr for Central Clearing, Depository and Registry (MCDR), Egypt for Information Dissemination (EGID), banks, financial institutions, and other relevant governmental and non-governmental entities.
We are committed to providing legal guidance and support in all procedures related to obtaining the necessary approvals, licenses, and permits for our clients, enabling them to confidently advance their projects and reap the benefits of their investments. In addition, we strive to ensure that our clients are informed of all legal developments and changes that may affect their business and financial activities, thereby providing them with a clear vision and a good understanding of the legal environment in which they operate.
At RPLF, we possess the expertise that enables us to assist our clients to avoid disputes as much as possible. Our team of attorneys and counselors at law has the competence and capability to provide distinguished legal representation for our clients, whether they are plaintiffs or defendants, at all stages of a dispute, whether in litigation, arbitration, or other alternative dispute resolution methods.
We are committed to taking all necessary legal actions to protect our clients' interests, focusing on achieving the best results through negotiation and attempts at peaceful settlements when possible, which helps save our clients' resources, time, and effort. We aim to provide innovative and effective legal solutions that align with our clients' business needs and strategic goals, enabling them to minimize legal and commercial risks and continue their business activities confidently and securely under all circumstances and challenges.

At RPLF, we always strive to build long-term relationships with our clients, affirming our steadfast commitment to supporting them and achieving the best possible outcomes at all times. Thanks to our rich experience and understanding of laws, regulations, and various legal compliance systems, we are always prepared to provide the support that contributes to our clients' success and the achievement of their goals.