Fees are varied according to your required services. It is often difficult to be predicted accurately. Cases’ time and developments are not definite. RAGY & PARTNERS LAW FIRM – ATTORNEYS & COUNSELORS LAW FIRM is always taking the right measures to protect your business and it is always our main goal to meet the clients’ satisfaction.
RPLF's optional rates below are varied to meet clients' needs. Therefore, Client will find many of our optional rates below:
It depends upon the nature of the case.
- Fixed Amount (monthly/quarterly):
RPLF provides this system in payment for our regular clients. As regular client we are pleased to provide you with:
- Personal account on the law firm's website www.ragylawfirm.com to be updated of all progress concerning your legal business matters supported by all relevant documents;
- Professional diligence at all hours of the day, every day of the week;
- Daily legal consultancy, determined by the need;
- Immediate response for emergency cases
It depends on the hours of legal work performed in accordance with the nature of the case.
- Verbal consultation, It depends on the nature of the matter;
- Written consultation, in written consultation we provide you with a written legal opinion and the fee will be calculated according to the hour rates system